Stupid Funny Bullshit That Happens in Night Vale

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Creative works you enjoyed until politics happened - "How politics made me hate Welcome to Nightvale and other things"

  • Thread starter Tanuki Mixed Nuts
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  • Registration without invitation will be closed throughout June.
Mao Hao Hao
  • #881
The Yakuza fandom is quite filled with tumblrinas, K-POP stans, and soiboi Redditors. Though the game is alright itself and there are fans who have a healthy amount of testosterone in them, I fear for its future.
I feel like Yakuza will be fine, as they mostly still cater to their Japanese audience, alongside getting actual ex-Yakuza members to play and test their games. If they tried to go too SJW/pander to those types, they would tank hard in the East. Going to hard optimisim it, as I love the franchise and don't want to see it die to pandering either.
  • #882
I feel like Yakuza will be fine, as they mostly still cater to their Japanese audience, alongside getting actual ex-Yakuza members to play and test their games. If they tried to go too SJW/pander to those types, they would tank hard in the East. Going to hard optimisim it, as I love the franchise and don't want to see it die to pandering either.
Yeah thank God for the fucking East, they don't pander to SJW shit so easily. But discussing the game and interacting with other western fans can be pretty dicey.
  • #883

"How politics made me hate Welcome to Nightvale and other things"​

Seeing the thread's tagline brought back some not good memories that made me distance myself slowly but surely in that fandom and the "Hipster Horror Audio Drama" genre in general. If you want some pretty decent non-woke Surrealist/Horror audio dramas, I would honestly suggest "Knifepoint Horror" and The Minute Hour's Earlier Albums. Their later, more political-laced stuff is more of a byproduct of community input than just from that one guy, so different strokes.

I have a tangent to put in a wall of text, so I'll just attempt to tell you all about Welcome to Night Vale and my experiences with that fandom and the community in general in a nice spoiler. I used to be in that fandom and was a pretty loyal in the first few years of the series. I still drink coffee from the First Edition NVCR Coffee Mug I bought. That's all I'm gonna "powerlevel" with myself for this is about the fandom.

Night Vale was initially and majorly all about the "creepy town and someone reporting it", which was a breeding ground of amazing theories, ideas, and creating their own take on a grounded, but unusually surreal Southwestern town. Think a Millennial version of "Eerie Indiana" or "The Adventures of Pete and Pete in Innsmouth" sorta feel. It was more about fan speculation and fanworks and creating a world more scarier and more interesting than admittedly the podcast themselves.... But the series became massively popular once their First Anniversary Episode dropped when the Radio Host Narrator and the Newcomer Scientist got together. Honestly, it was a novel idea at the time to make a story that had a canon and outright LGBT relationship without the bells and whistles of subtlety and didn't fall for stereotypical shmock so people got on board on that.

Remember what I said about "fan input"? Well, that also includes the physical descriptions of the people in that show as well. You can make Cecil as anyone/thing you want. So initially Cecil in the fandom was commonly described as a "Dapper, Sinister, Fair-skinned, Blond-haired Man with a Third Eye or Tentacle Tattoos". Tumblr then points out that there are too many White Cecil and not enough "PoCecil" and there was the first of MANY in-fandom discourse and it was about what the Radio Host goddamn looks like. Nowadays because of this discourse, the common Cecil headcanon nowadays and down the line is a pudgy, ambiguously brown, tumblr fashion nightmare.

Next we got Carlos, the scientist and eventually Cecil's bitch. A heavy controversy was how Carlos' old VA, who was a white guy, had to have a tirade of Men of Color having no jobs, so decided to make Carlos be voiced by a gay Hispanic guy who was known down the line as the guy who did the "Unboxing [Politics I hate]" videos. It's funny because there were only about 4 non-White male Actors throughout the 7-year run of the show. Another discourse they had was basically "if you made/ imagine Carlos one shade lighter than goddamn mocha, you are a racist for whitewashing". That is an enough said on that one.

Then the cosplays. People cosplaying the Night Vale characters are rampant at the time, but the more... vocal and toxic SJW side of the fandom started cancelling and bitching on the lighter-skinned Carlos cosplayers for brownfacing, or even one Native American guy cosplaying as the Apache Tracker... the more controversial character of the show that they dropped after Year 2, because he doesn't even LOOK Native despite showing proof. So if you see a NV cosplayer at this day and age, you'd be lucky.

There's also smaller fan incidents... like accidentally removing a podcast Episode and the fandom speculating that the episode promotes eating a shitton of (poisonous in extreme doses) Nutmeg for the "younger audiences". Or neutering a Carlos subplot while he was separated by Cecil through external factors... because having the LGBT gay couple actually have conflicts and challenges in a relationship is considered abuse. Basically even the initial gay couple that they heavily paraded as organic... has devolved into a sickenly sweet unicorn bby couple void of genuine substance and imperfect humanity that they initially paraded their story to be as. Also they neutered the Strexcorp/Kevin arcs which was honestly the best arc of the show. Tryptich was the only good episode after so long though the next time we saw Kevin, they ended up having to REHASH the Pilot Episode only set in Desert Bluffs Too. Down to the Kevin gettin horny for the Carlos proxy.

Like this stuff at the time seems honestly standard for the usual fandom drama bullshit... if it wasn't for the fact that the Staff in WTNV wholeheartingly support AND Encourage the woke SJW fans to basically push out everyone that they deem problematic, excusing it as just being passionate for "one of the few diverse pieces out there" (almost to the point of death threats as well).... I guess because the WTNV staff (who made up of SA Goons and from the New York Experimental Theater Scene... go figure) were heavily supporting the toxicity that the only remaining fans left are those who weeded out the sane, more fun-loving parts of the fandom, those that shill for them on their Pseudo-Patreon... or the "just came to Tumblr for the first time" sort. They still are kinda "popular" but it's obvious that the horror aspects of the show wore off and became so on-the-nose in their politics (Despite what people say... Night Vale was ALWAYS Political and Lefty Woke since Year 1 especially with the NRA jokes... but at the time they were clever about it... and they weren't afraid to be creepy and off when they want to)... the fun theories goddamn died with them, and the show has become pretty niche in themselves.

Wondering how long until the writers officially end the series is a question in itself.

Last edited:
Local Fed

Local Fed

You'll never shine if you don't glow
  • #884
Seeing the thread's tagline brought back some not good memories that made me distance myself slowly but surely in that fandom and the "Hipster Horror Audio Drama" genre in general. If you want some pretty decent non-woke Surrealist/Horror audio dramas, I would honestly suggest "Knifepoint Horror" and The Minute Hour's Earlier Albums. Their later, more political-laced stuff is more of a byproduct of community input than just from that one guy, so different strokes.

I have a tangent to put in a wall of text, so I'll just attempt to tell you all about Welcome to Night Vale and my experiences with that fandom and the community in general in a nice spoiler. I used to be in that fandom and was a pretty loyal in the first few years of the series. I still drink coffee from the First Edition NVCR Coffee Mug I bought. That's all I'm gonna "powerlevel" with myself for this is about the fandom.

Night Vale was initially and majorly all about the "creepy town and someone reporting it", which was a breeding ground of amazing theories, ideas, and creating their own take on a grounded, but unusually surreal Southwestern town. Think a Millennial version of "Eerie Indiana" or "The Adventures of Pete and Pete in Innsmouth" sorta feel. It was all about the fan input and creating a world more scarier and more interesting than admittedly the podcast themselves.... But the series became massively popular once their First Anniversary Episode dropped when the Radio Host Narrator and the Newcomer Scientist got together. Honestly, it was a novel idea at the time to make a story that had a canon and outright LGBT relationship without the bells and whistles of subtlety and didn't fall for stereotypical shmock so people got on board on that.

Remember what I said about "fan input"? Well, that also includes the physical descriptions of the people in that show as well. You can make Cecil as anyone/thing you want. So initially Cecil in the fandom was commonly described as a "Dapper, Sinister, Fair-skinned, Blond-haired Man with Eye or Tentacle Tattoos". Tumblr then point out that there are too many White Cecil and not enough "PoCecil" and there was the first of MANY in-fandom discourse and it was about what the Radio Host goddamn looks like. Nowadays because of this discourse, the common Cecil headcanon nowadays and down the line is a pudgy, ambiguously brown, tumblr fashion nightmare.

Next we got Carlos, the scientist and eventually Cecil's bitch. A heavy controversy was how Carlos' old VA, who was a white guy, had to have a tirade of Men of Color having no jobs, so decided to make Carlos be voiced by a gay Hispanic guy who was known down the line as the guy who did the "Unboxing [Politics I hate]" videos. It's funny because there were only about 4 non-White male Actors throughout the 7-year run of the show. Another discourse they had was basically "if you made/ imagine Carlos one shade lighter than goddamn mocha, you are a racist". That is an enough said on that one.

Then the cosplays. People cosplaying the Night Vale characters are rampant at the time, but the more... vocal and toxic SJW side of the fandom started cancelling and bitching on the Carlos cosplayers who just put a bit of bronzer on them or even one Native American guy cosplaying as the Apache Tracker... the more controversial character of the show that they dropped after Year 2, because he doesn't even LOOK Native. So if you see a NV cosplayer at this day and age, you'd be lucky.

There's also smaller fan incidents... like removing a podcast Episode accidentally and the fandom thinking Night Vale promotes eating a shitton of Nutmeg for the "younger audiences". Or neutering a Carlos subplot while he was separated by Cecil through external factors... because having the LGBT gay couple actually have conflicts and challenges in a relationship is considered abuse. Basically even the gay couple that they heavily paraded as organic... has devolved into a sickenly sweet unicorn bby couple void of genuine substance and imperfect humanity that they initially paraded their story to be as. Also they neutered the Strexcorp/Kevin arcs which was honestly the best arc of the show. Tryptich was the only good episode after so long though the next time we saw Kevin, they ended up having to REHASH the Pilot Episode only set in Desert Bluffs Too. Down to the Kevin gettin horny for the Carlos proxy.

Like this stuff at the time seems honestly standard for the usual fandom drama bullshit... if it wasn't for the fact that the Staff in WTNV wholeheartingly support AND Encourage the woke SJW fans to basically push out everyone that they deem problematic, excusing it as just being passionate for "one of the few diverse pieces out there" (almost to the point of death threats as well).... I guess because the WTNV staff (who made up of SA Goons and from the New York Experimental Theater Scene... go figure) were heavily supporting the toxicity that the only remaining fans left are those who weeded out the sane, more fun-loving parts of the fandom, those that shill for them on their Pseudo-Patreon... or the "just came to Tumblr for the first time" sort. They still are kinda "popular" but it's obvious that the horror aspects of the show wore off and became so on-the-nose in their politics (Despite what people say... Night Vale was ALWAYS Political and Lefty Woke since Year 1 especially with the NRA jokes... but at the time they were clever about it... and they weren't afraid to be creepy and off when they want to)... the fun theories goddamn died with them, and the show has become pretty niche in themselves.

Wondering how long until the writers officially end the series is a question in itself.

I never got into the fandom or anything, but I listened to that podcast for about the first 60 episodes or so until I found myself getting bored. I was right around when they started pushing the gay couple thing (I didn't have a problem with it because of them being gay) and it was around that time when the show in general really just went from a mystery to boring and seemingly more focused on building up characters in the most vapid ways. I didn't even know that there were WTNV cosplayers. That's hilarious to me.
Vyse Inglebard
  • #885
could not be happier to see they are howling this pozzed trash into a literal void, cheers for the graph
Oh, don't party just yet: the kiddies will be punished for this sin by receiving even more of this pozzed trash until they eventually agree with it, ala 1984.
Alexander Thaut
  • #886
Western Fanbases of JRPGs.
  • #887
Western Fanbases of JRPGs.
were those ever good?
Alexander Thaut
  • #888
mildly tolerable, waifu wars aside.

I mean it was autism but it was very specific autism more about translations and waifu wars and tier lists than fuckin IRL Identity Politics.

  • #890

Awe hell no. These faggots are not going to ruin fallout for me.
Shield Breaker
  • #891
Awe hell no. These faggots are not going to ruin fallout for me.
Fictional Character
  • #893
Awe hell no. These faggots are not going to ruin fallout for me.

Because Bethesda beat them to it.
737 MAX Stan Account
  • #894
The people who make these posters are probably the same people who get PTSD from hearing a gun being fired.
Fluoxetine Man
  • #895
Because Bethesda beat them to it.
  • #898
Seeing the thread's tagline brought back some not good memories that made me distance myself slowly but surely in that fandom and the "Hipster Horror Audio Drama" genre in general. If you want some pretty decent non-woke Surrealist/Horror audio dramas, I would honestly suggest "Knifepoint Horror" and The Minute Hour's Earlier Albums. Their later, more political-laced stuff is more of a byproduct of community input than just from that one guy, so different strokes.

I have a tangent to put in a wall of text, so I'll just attempt to tell you all about Welcome to Night Vale and my experiences with that fandom and the community in general in a nice spoiler. I used to be in that fandom and was a pretty loyal in the first few years of the series. I still drink coffee from the First Edition NVCR Coffee Mug I bought. That's all I'm gonna "powerlevel" with myself for this is about the fandom.

Night Vale was initially and majorly all about the "creepy town and someone reporting it", which was a breeding ground of amazing theories, ideas, and creating their own take on a grounded, but unusually surreal Southwestern town. Think a Millennial version of "Eerie Indiana" or "The Adventures of Pete and Pete in Innsmouth" sorta feel. It was more about fan speculation and fanworks and creating a world more scarier and more interesting than admittedly the podcast themselves.... But the series became massively popular once their First Anniversary Episode dropped when the Radio Host Narrator and the Newcomer Scientist got together. Honestly, it was a novel idea at the time to make a story that had a canon and outright LGBT relationship without the bells and whistles of subtlety and didn't fall for stereotypical shmock so people got on board on that.

Remember what I said about "fan input"? Well, that also includes the physical descriptions of the people in that show as well. You can make Cecil as anyone/thing you want. So initially Cecil in the fandom was commonly described as a "Dapper, Sinister, Fair-skinned, Blond-haired Man with a Third Eye or Tentacle Tattoos". Tumblr then points out that there are too many White Cecil and not enough "PoCecil" and there was the first of MANY in-fandom discourse and it was about what the Radio Host goddamn looks like. Nowadays because of this discourse, the common Cecil headcanon nowadays and down the line is a pudgy, ambiguously brown, tumblr fashion nightmare.

Next we got Carlos, the scientist and eventually Cecil's bitch. A heavy controversy was how Carlos' old VA, who was a white guy, had to have a tirade of Men of Color having no jobs, so decided to make Carlos be voiced by a gay Hispanic guy who was known down the line as the guy who did the "Unboxing [Politics I hate]" videos. It's funny because there were only about 4 non-White male Actors throughout the 7-year run of the show. Another discourse they had was basically "if you made/ imagine Carlos one shade lighter than goddamn mocha, you are a racist for whitewashing". That is an enough said on that one.

Then the cosplays. People cosplaying the Night Vale characters are rampant at the time, but the more... vocal and toxic SJW side of the fandom started cancelling and bitching on the lighter-skinned Carlos cosplayers for brownfacing, or even one Native American guy cosplaying as the Apache Tracker... the more controversial character of the show that they dropped after Year 2, because he doesn't even LOOK Native despite showing proof. So if you see a NV cosplayer at this day and age, you'd be lucky.

There's also smaller fan incidents... like accidentally removing a podcast Episode and the fandom speculating that the episode promotes eating a shitton of (poisonous in extreme doses) Nutmeg for the "younger audiences". Or neutering a Carlos subplot while he was separated by Cecil through external factors... because having the LGBT gay couple actually have conflicts and challenges in a relationship is considered abuse. Basically even the initial gay couple that they heavily paraded as organic... has devolved into a sickenly sweet unicorn bby couple void of genuine substance and imperfect humanity that they initially paraded their story to be as. Also they neutered the Strexcorp/Kevin arcs which was honestly the best arc of the show. Tryptich was the only good episode after so long though the next time we saw Kevin, they ended up having to REHASH the Pilot Episode only set in Desert Bluffs Too. Down to the Kevin gettin horny for the Carlos proxy.

Like this stuff at the time seems honestly standard for the usual fandom drama bullshit... if it wasn't for the fact that the Staff in WTNV wholeheartingly support AND Encourage the woke SJW fans to basically push out everyone that they deem problematic, excusing it as just being passionate for "one of the few diverse pieces out there" (almost to the point of death threats as well).... I guess because the WTNV staff (who made up of SA Goons and from the New York Experimental Theater Scene... go figure) were heavily supporting the toxicity that the only remaining fans left are those who weeded out the sane, more fun-loving parts of the fandom, those that shill for them on their Pseudo-Patreon... or the "just came to Tumblr for the first time" sort. They still are kinda "popular" but it's obvious that the horror aspects of the show wore off and became so on-the-nose in their politics (Despite what people say... Night Vale was ALWAYS Political and Lefty Woke since Year 1 especially with the NRA jokes... but at the time they were clever about it... and they weren't afraid to be creepy and off when they want to)... the fun theories goddamn died with them, and the show has become pretty niche in themselves.

Wondering how long until the writers officially end the series is a question in itself.

I used to like "Chilling Tales for Dark Nights" Youtube Channel, but they took a hard left into SJW-ville. They introduced "Horror from da Hood" and other Duhverse stories, and put gay characters in, but did that thing where they say things to each other like , "Frank., my gay lover. How are you doing today?" and real unsubtle shit like that. Wokeness is all over the Horror Story genre on Youtube, even Horror Combined with Artwork channels like Bedtime Stories. Viewer submitted stories are the worst, because those have wokeness inserted up the wazoo. Stories based on real life events tend to be more realistic.
  • #899
I'm glad that capeshit comics are already dead and nobody with actual taste will ever read that.
Even the most boring and cliche Chinese/Korean webtoons or manga are miles above this shit. Better artstyles too.
  • #900
The Yakuza fandom is quite filled with tumblrinas, K-POP stans, and soiboi Redditors. Though the game is alright itself and there are fans who have a healthy amount of testosterone in them, I fear for its future.
IMO Yakuza is safe from having its soul drained from SJW-Vampires as long as Toshihiro Nagoshi is in charge. The man has been working at Sega for over 30 years and has been with Yakuza since day 1. He's Japanese and thus a workaholic so we'll likely have him around for another 15 years.

And really when you have a series that's centered around the Yakuza and is satirizing Japanese social issues I really don't see how you can make such a game without discussing the morally shaky issues like the red light districts. It's like trying to envision a politically correct Grand Theft Auto. It just doesn't work.

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