Sellers often wonder how to become a top rated seller on eBay, and whether it is worth the trouble.

The answer is yes!

Gaining top-rated seller status means you are providing exceptional customer service and having a generous return policy.

Top-ranked eBay sellers have a number of perks, including higher visibility for their listings, a "top-rated seller" badge, and enhanced protection.

To earn this status, however, merchants must meet some stringent conditions. Let's look at how to become an eBay top-rated seller.

Requirements on How To Become An eBay Top Rated Seller

So, what does it take to earn the title of Top Rated Seller and sell like a champ on eBay?

It isn't easy, and it will take substantial work. You'll need to hit and maintain the milestones stated below:

  • Your has been active for 90+ days
  • Your account has 100 transactions, or you have sold more than $1,000 worth of goods
  • You comply with the "Selling Practices Policy"
  • Your products have an accurate origin location
  • You have clear terms and conditions listed
  • Your return policy is clear, and your shipping methods are listed

What Are The eBay Seller Levels?

On eBay, there are three degrees of seller performance:

  • Top Rated
  • Above standard
  • Below standard

Visit the Seller Dashboard to see how well you're doing as a seller. This graph depicts the current and expected performance levels.

According to eBay, seller performance levels boost buyer confidence while shopping on the site.

Buyers are unable to see the level of performance of specific sellers. The Top Rated Plus seal on qualifying listings is the only exception.

A Note On What is a PowerSeller?

You're bound to see a Top Rated Seller indicator next to select sellers' user IDs when browsing the items on eBay. The designation may appear to the uninitiated to be an accolade presented to someone who has moved thousands of dollars worth of stuff on eBay, but it isn't.

Top-Rated Seller Plus is the highest level of eBay Top Rated Seller certification, granted only to those sellers who maintain the most outstanding levels of professionalism on the site.

Another designation you may come across is PowerSellers. These members must meet particular monthly gross merchandise sales (total dollar amount of eBay sales) goals while delivering exceptional customer care.

PowerSeller has been phased out, and now sellers are called Top-Rated instead.

Top Rated Seller On eBay Benefits

There's no denying that being a Top Rated Seller splits eBay sellers' perspectives. Achieving Top Rated Seller status is something that some people strive for.

In a similar vein, some sellers say that achieving Top Rated Seller status is a natural result of providing excellent, consistent customer support and selling great products.

On the other hand, many sellers consider that the requirements are too stringent and impractical for the regular eBay vendor. Furthermore, the perks and benefits of becoming a Top Rated Seller have decreased over time, making the time and effort less worthwhile for some individuals.

The Perks

In the following ways, becoming a Top Rated Seller will help you save money, create trust, and improve sales:

  • Every listing that matches the guidelines will feature your Top-Rated Seller Seal
  • Your listings will be included in the "Best Match" search increasing your visibility
  • Added protection against abusive buyers or events out of your control
  • $30 towards Promoted Listings per quarter and discounts on shipping using eBay labels

eBay Top Rated Plus Seller

These are added benefits for those who are already Top Sellers and offer a more beneficial customer journey. Grabbing this seal of approval will help your bottom line and profit margins.

To qualify for this Top Rated Plus listings you must offer the following:

  • Fast handling times of within in one day or less (same day)
  • Give customer at least 30 days to return something with a money back option

The listings that meet these requirements will be eligible for the following:

  • Top Rated Plus badge that is prominent in each listing
  • Higher visibility in search results
  • 10% off of each product's Final Value Fee

This may not make sense for your business, but this could increase sales with the added trust and visibility of your listings.

Is It Worth It?

Because of the marketplace's nature, there is no one-size-fits-all answer whether or not Top Seller Status is worthwhile for sellers to pursue.

The truth is that some sellers consider Top Seller Status to be beneficial to receive the Top Rated Plus listing discount, while others consider it to be a waste of time and unnecessary worry.

Ask yourself a few questions — how much work it will take to meet the requirements and get your products shipped on time? Can you afford to give additional refunds in exchange for more visibility?

Because each eBay seller's business is unique, engaging in a program like Top Rated Plus may be advantageous for one seller but not for another.

Consider and analyze item profit margins, sell-through percentages, and return rates when analyzing the success of Top Rated Plus listings.

Only then can an eBay seller evaluate whether adhering to the Top Rated Seller Plus listing guidelines is worth the effort.

Tactical Arbitrage

8 Tips On How To Remain A Top Rated Seller

Once you put in the work and gain your Top-Rated Seller status, you definitely don't want to lose it! There are a few things that you should do to make sure you keep your designation.

Stay On Top of Your Inventory

It is your responsibility as a Top Rated seller running an online business to keep track of your inventory. As a result, you should make sure of the following:

  1. Know Your Stock Levels : You keep track of inventory levels and, if an item goes out of stock, you take it down or change the amount levels right away.
  2. Leverage eBay Stock Functions : Consider using eBay's out-of-stock function, which will conceal listings that cannot be filled automatically
  3. Follow eBay's Guarantees: If a customer contacts you about their Money-Back Guarantee, you should suck it up and accept the return or provide a refund. Doing so will assist you in avoiding being held liable by eBay and having your rating tarnished.
  4. Accurate Descriptions: Provide precise descriptions and real/clear photographs of your item. If your goods aren't brand new and have flaws, make sure to point them out to avoid misunderstandings, miscommunications, and an unhappy consumer

Shipping Products

  1. Deliver It In The Same Condition: You are responsible for the sale until it is in the hands of the customer. While you don't have complete control over your postal service, you need to package the items to give it a chance to get there in the same condition.

You can reduce any issues by following proper packing techniques.

  1. Track It : It is highly advised that you use tracking options and provide your customers with a tracking number. Doing so helps you, eBay, and the purchaser feel more secure about the item's location, putting everyone at ease.

It is especially critical when delivering high-value commodities. Plus, it protects you from a buyer falsely claiming an item hasn't arrived

Customer Service

  1. Prompt Responses: When a customer has a request or a query, make every effort to answer as quickly as you can. You don't want your customer to go to eBay and complain about how unresponsive you are.

Additionally, strive to keep your consumer updated throughout the purchasing process, and don't forget to inquire if he or she is satisfied with the product once it has been delivered.

  1. Keep Them Happy : Sometimes things go wrong, and it is your job to figure out what is best for your customer. Sometimes it could be as simple as including a personal message thanking them for their business. Other times, it might be to refund a full product purchase to save grace.

Final Thoughts

You make your money on the buy. It really comes down to finding the best products to sell on eBay or Amazon. That is where Tactical Arbitrage really shines through.

Our software will help you find profitable products to sell online. Your next step is to grab that Top Rated Seller status and sell more products.

Related Questions

What is the fastest way to become a top-rated seller on eBay?

You need to meet some minimum requirements to become a top-rated seller. You need to sell at least 100 transactions and $100 in sales in the past year. Find a fast selling product and sell at break even if you have to. Try Tactical Arbitrage to help you find profitable items that sell fast. Grab a free trial here.